How to Explode the Traffic to your Website for little or no cost
Incorporate the 5 different marketing tips that your going to read below, and watch as the traffic to your site will start to multply!
Let me start off by saying that there are Billions of people around the world online today trying to sell something or looking for a new home based business opportunity to get involved in. The Internet is the one place where you can capture the multitude of new people coming online everyday looking for a way to make some money. So how do we get these prospects to view our website or product without spending a fortune? Find inexpensive ways to start and get traffic to your site.
Listed below are 5 ways to start to get a ton of traffic to your website without having to spend a bunch of money along the way.
Submit an Article to Online Directories
One of the best ways to get an incredible amount of free traffic to your site is though articles that you write and submit to online directories. Website owners and Ezine publishers are always looking for good articles with fresh material that they can include in their websites and newsletters. Its really not that difficult just sit down and think of all the things about your product that people would be interested in. Right a short say 500 word article and submit it and you wont believe how fast your article will be picked up. The way you get hits to your website is through the resource box that is listed at the end of the article. This is where you say a little something about yourself and include a link to whatever you are promoting. There are 1,000s of directories to submit your article to, and the best way to minimize the time involved is to submit your article using special software created just for this purpose. If you would like a list of the best ones available at the present time, just send me an email with Article Submitters in the subject line. The one thing I must warn you is not to make your article sound too much like a sales letter for your product or the directories wont accept your article for distribution.
Email Signature File
This may sound obvious but many people do not include this simple method of getting free hits to their website. Include an email signature file in every one of your emails. In this signature file that goes at the bottom of your email message include a short description of the product you are currently promoting with a link attached for people to visit your site. Think of all the emails that you get in a day. With this short message at the end of each of your email replies you wont believe how many extra hits you will get to your site.
It even works well with junk email that you get from other people trying to get you to visit their sites. Just reply back with something like this:
Thanks will check it out
Best Free traffic generating source online today: People will be curious and click on your signature file, and you will receive a bunch of extra hits from the people that were sending you junk mail.
Free, Free, Free
People love to get things free, whether its an ebook you have written, or some kind of new software that will help them promote their product online. There are even ebooks out there that you can get the resale rights to and rebrand it with your name. By giving something away free is a perfect way to get new names to promote your product to. Here is how I promote a free ebook and always get a big response.
Free Ebook - Traffic generation with an amazing viral idea
So do some research and find yourself a couple of free items what you can promote which will again attract free visitors to your web site.
Viral marketing classified site
Get involved in a viral marketing classified site. The one I recommend to all my clients is The sign up is free and there are no hidden costs down the line. Remember the illegal pyramid schemes that cropped up about 10 years ago that promised you to get rich for just a small investment if you signed up 5 people and they did the same and so on. Well this is the same concept however it's legal and works incredible with classified ads. Visit the site for full details and view the How to Promote page. Plus with thousands of new people coming online everyday looking for a money making opportunity this can literally go on forever! Its a must to include with the promotion of your website or product.
New Cutting Edge Marketing Method
So far everything I have mentioned in this article has been free for getting traffic to your website. There is one new piece of software that I have come across that I thing will explode the traffic that you will get to your website. I feel its the most incredible advertising method that I have seen in a long time. The curiosity that it instills is a must to include in any marketing campaign. If you would like more information on this new cutting edge form of advertising just shoot me over an email or a sample can be viewed at up in the right hand corner of the website.
So as you can see it doesnt take a ton of money to start to get a massive amount of traffic to your website with the things incorporated from above. If you have any questions about the items listed here please feel free to email me at and I would be happy to answer you as soon as I can.
Until next time,
Tony Stoffo has been a successful Entrepreneur online since the late 90s and is the author of the best selling book entitled Money Management
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