Most people working online realize that to successfully market and sell products you need a list of customers. These customers are usually people you have built a relationship with over time, people who have learned to trust you and who you can feel free to contact again on a regular basis.
The biggest problem on
how to build a mailing list from scratch is that it takes time to build. Added to this is the difficulty in knowing where to start. You can obtain all the advice on getting started easily enough, but
how to successfully put it all in to practice? How to build a mailing list easily? Not an easy task for complete newbie list-builders, for example.
You can purchase ready-made lists, but because you dont know anyone on these lists personally you could be accused of spamming when you eventually make contact. The other thing is: how many others have access to these lists and wont the people on the lists be fed up being inundated with all the opportunities being offered?
In my search to getting started with building a mailing list or downline building I wanted to be sure that I could build a mailing list quickly and that I would be dealing with double-optin customers. (A double optin email list works this way: a subscriber signs up, then receives a confirmation email which he/she must respond to in order to be added to the list). Also, I wanted the best possible scenario to building a relationship with my customers.
In my search also, I was looking for a quality freebie I could give away as an enticement on a squeeze page I would be using to attract people to my list.
In my research I had a good look at various strategies currently being used in downline building. Co-registration, for example, is a lesser known method of list building where you can post a newsletter or an ad on a website that offers various other publications. In this system you pay for everyone who clicks on your ad and completes their information, with the information being sent to you as a lead.
Its possible with co-registration to quickly build up your list in just a few days. Of course with these leads you dont really know them, so you need to build trust and contact them with a few messages along friendship lines without trying to sell them anything. After you have sent them a few messages, you can try a soft-sell approach by writing a review for your affiliate product or for whatever you are selling.
Paid co-registration can be very effective, but should be avoided by beginner marketers because of the large, needed upfront investment. Best to stick with free co-registration, it seems.
Free co-registration can involve members embedding a piece of code into their website. This code shows up as a form showing several publisher newsletters with their subscriber links. Marketers can leverage their existing lists to gain credits that are converted into targeted traffic.
Joint ventures can result in almost instant huge sign-ups. Here, you have an agreement between a publisher and JV partner where the JV partner agrees to promote the publishers product in exchange for a commission. It is not uncommon for marketers to gain thousands of subscribers in a joint venture arrangement.
Joint Ventures are a great way to get something for free. You could, for example, contact an ezine publisher and offer him a free copy of your product if hell promote your product with his subscribers. The important thing is to offer something of value to both your JV partner and his subscribers.
I am happy to say that I have found the ideal partner to help me start building my list quickly with double-optin customers, and who, at the same time, gives me a high quality freebie with complete rebranding rights that I can give away to help me sign up people on my list. Co-registration is also an added feature of this business.
The emphasis with the methods used by this company is on building your list quickly, while at the same time building relationships with your subscribers.
Because of my partner set-up, I can email people in my personal matrix and I have the opportunity to send ads to people outside my downline via a special random system. This is what I call first class downline building.
I could have just joined this partner as a free member for great benefits, but I opted to join at the discounted upgrade level so I would have the ability for greater mailing frequency to the different 1000 or so members I will have access to from one week to the next. This is only one of several advantages for upgraded members.
Owning your list means you own your market. Invest now in your own list building plan by taking action now!
If you want to know more about a successful way on
how to build a mailing list, go to: and follow the directions for obtaining a coolcool, free pdf report.
Bob Gill is an online marketer operating a website at:
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