Is It Possible To Recover Quickly After Declaring Bankruptcy?


If you have ever had to declare bankruptcy, then you are also wondering if there ever will be a way to recover from having to undergo such a process. Quite possibly, it has already been a couple of years since the declaration, and you currently see no end in sight. Here are some things that you can do to help achieve, with some time, the financial freedom that you want - again.

One great thing that you have on your side to help you recover is the fact that there is a lot of competition out there to give loans. This means that a banker knows that if he does not give you a loan, then someone else will - and they get the profit, hopefully. So, the bottom line here is that just because you declared bankruptcy yesterday, it does not mean that you are not eligible for a loan today.

Another feature that you do not want to forget, if you are trying to buy a house, is that the house will increase in value due to the equity that is built up. A lender always knows that if you can't pay, at least can still get their money out of it - in most cases.

The Cause Of Your Bankruptcy

Depending on what caused your bankruptcy, and some other details, it may also serve as a justification for your being able to get the loan you want. This would be especially true if some major illness brought on the great debt, or an accident, or another unforeseeable event. If this is the case, and if you can relate these details to a listening lender, then you may be headed for a loan.

Your Present Situation

This is probably the greatest asset you have that will enable you to get the financing you want. A possible lender wants simply to be able to see that you have a current ability to pay off your present bills. They may take a little harder look at your finances - but the good news is that they are willing to look. Quite possibly, the one thing that will matter the most that will demonstrate your ability to pay, could be the fact that you have been employed at the same place for more than a couple of years.

Start Small

If you are looking to rebuild your credit rating as fast as possible, and want to wait a little on the big loans, then here is a way to do it. While it is possible to get a loan for something like a house, you will still have to pay a rather high interest on the loan. The fact that you declared bankruptcy earlier will remain on your credit rating for 10 full years, and every potential lender will know about it. By waiting a little, and building your credit rating, you could become eligible once again for a more attractive loan with a lower interest rate.

An easy way to build your credit up again is by getting a secure credit card. By making all your payments on time, and in full each month, your credit rating will get better before long. Having a second credit card that is wisely used can even speed up the process a little more. Then add a small loan that you are sure to be able to pay off in a short period of time.

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Types Of Bankruptcy Situations


Moving into the twenty first century, many Americans arent sure of what to expect. Many businesses have begun to outsource labor to Mexico and India. With the loss of jobs comes unemployment to the employees. Most people caught up in a companys decision to search for lower waged employees cannot find suitable jobs in the same geographic area in which they live.

They have worked at a job for many years and had higher wages. Finding new work with the higher wages is almost impossible. This can begin to have a financial impact on the family and having bill collectors call only adds to the already stressed out situation. One option that people may decide on is choosing to file one of the types of bankruptcy. For the homeowner there are two different types of bankruptcy.

One is called chapter seven, and the other choice is called chapter thirteen. Chapter seven bankruptcies allows the debtor to erase all debts owed while letting people keep the house and cars if they desire. This can really take the burden of debt payments away which in turn takes away much of the stress that the people were under. The only payments that the people will have to pay are the payments on the house and any cars that the people may have kept.

Types of Bankruptcy Chapter Thirteen

As the first part of this article dealt with chapter seven bankruptcies, this section includes the other types of bankruptcy such as chapter thirteen bankruptcies. Filing for bankruptcy with chapter thirteen means that the people can keep almost everything that they want to.

The difference in this case is that people who file chapter thirteen bankruptcies tell their attorney what they want to keep and in turn, the attorney begins the task of talking to the creditors. Depending on the situation, this can take thirty days or even more. The peoples attorney will try to get the creditors to accept lower overall costs for each item. An example of this would be about the cost of a piano.

The people may owe the creditor five thousand dollars and the attorney will try to get the overall cost to three thousand dollars. This means that the people now only have to pay the three thousand dollars and not the original five thousand dollars. The people save two thousand dollars on the piano and the people can then begin to resume payments on the piano.

The monthly payment may drop as a result which saves people money every month. Consulting an attorney is the best course of action to aide an individual in determining the best type of bankruptcy to file for their situation.

Simon Peters is the owner of, it is THE best source for advice on the subject on bankruptcy, nothing to sell, just information . . .Stafford Loan Deferment Form
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