The age of gray hair need not cast a dark cloud of insecurities and negative feelings over you. Whether youre of the junior, middle, or senior age group, aging can be handled gracefully with ease. A lot can be done before reaching senior age (or even when youre already there) to make you look and feel younger.
We have collected the best resources on the net so you can choose the best programs for you. Visit us at for more resources.
Heres what you can and must do:
Determine what you want to be. Do you want to be youthful despite years that keep piling up, or would you settle and concede that aging results to physical and mental decline in activities? To many people, reaching senior age is their excuse for limitations in physical activities, lapses in mental concentration, and emotional disturbances. I bet youve heard someone saying, Youll have to excuse my parents. They are already old and you know how old people are. They are extremely sensitive and easily get upset emotionally.
Being emotionally sensitive is a sign of insecurity and resistance - a sign that seniors hate being seniors. When you dislike a situation youre in, especially a situation when there are no other choices, you start to become irritable. Everything you come across with seems to be unacceptable. So how can you, if youre a senior, turn your thoughts to accept what you are? Its simple. Change the way you think towards seniority. First, you must accept the fact that old age is an inevitable part of life. Actually, youre lucky youve reached this age. Some people die young. Being alive at this age is considered a gift of life. With age comes wisdom. Let wisdom dominate your thoughts over poor concentration and dull memory. The world loves a person full of wisdom and wit.
Unbelievably, some people look better physically during the senior age than during the younger years. It doesnt mean that these people looked ugly when they were still young. However, aging somehow works to favor some people. The way they think and act have a lot to do with how they look. They seem to ripen in the right places under the best conditions. You can be sure that this has a lot to do with their eating habits, physical activities, and more importantly, their mental and emotional attitudes.
Make laughter a part of your life. Have you ever met a person who hates laughter or humor? If you have, is his name Mr. Grouch? Seriously (or is it humorously), laughter is exhilarating. It activates hormones on your body that promotes a healthy physical and emotional you. Medical science has proven this. You cant deny the benefits you get when you laugh, even when you are physically ill or emotionally disturbed. Have you ever experienced laughing on something so funny, until your eyes got teary? Tears may be salty, but tears of joy taste sweet.
Tell people how old they look and they begin to feel old. However, tell people how young they look despite their age, and they will begin to feel energetic. People feel what they are told to feel.
The point is clear: Drop the years and pick up the energy.
Please visit us at for more resources.
Sue Brubaker shares information gathered from years of study & research on Anti-Ageing.
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